Stirring Songs Schools Workshop

Greenham Common Women’s Peace Camp is the largest women’s led movement since suffrage yet many people have never heard of it!
Many social and political movements have used song as a powerful tool to speak out against oppression and this workshop provides you with the chance to think about the issues that are important to young people today and the role music can play in amplifying their voices.

Stirring Songs

Join us to find out more about life at the camp and the integral role song played in boosting morale and creating camaraderie and write your own song about a cause you are passionate about.
During this 1 hour workshop you will:
  • Have an introduction to Greenham Common Peace Camp
  • Discover songs from the camp and the role music played in life at Greenham Common
  • Consider issues that are importnat to your young people today and write your own stirring song

To book please contact [email protected]

Frequently Asked Questions

Who is the workshop for?

This workshop is aimed at upper KS2 learners and KS3 learners. If you are considering this workshop for a different year group please get in touch with us.

How long is this workshop?

This workshop is 60 minutes long. We can work with you to work out how to best fit this workshop into your school day.

Do we need to provide materials?

We will provide most materials but it would be helpful if you have paper and pencils to hand.

I have more than one class - can you accommodate multiple workshops?

We can run this workshop up to three times in a day so if you’d like to run this workshop with a second class please do let us know.

How much does the workshop cost?

We have been supported by funding from the Heritage Lottery Fund and so are able to offer this workshop for free.

What are the curriculum links for this workshop?

KS2 Music:

  • improvise and compose music for a range of purposes using inter-related dimensions of music
  • develop an understanding of the history of music

KS2 English:

  • write clearly, accurately and coherently, adapting their language and style in and for a range of contexts, purposes and audiences
  • are competent in the arts of speaking and listening, making formal presentations, demonstrating to others and participating in debate.

KS2 History:

  • a local history study
  • a study of an aspect or theme in British history that extends pupils’ chronological knowledge beyond 1066

KS3 Music:

  • improvise and compose; and extend and develop musical ideas by drawing on a range of musical structures, styles, genres and traditions
  • develop a deepening understanding of the music that they perform and to which they listen, and its history.

KS 3 History:

  • challenges for Britain, Europe and the wider world 1901 to the present day
  • a local history study

KS3 English:

  • writing for a wide range of purposes and audiences, including stories, scripts, poetry and other imaginative writing
  • speak confidently and effectively

How do I book?

To book please email [email protected]

Find out more about creativity at the camp

Song, poetry and banner making were all part of daily life at the camp and an integral part of the action. Songs helped keep women’s spirits up, poetry helped them to process their experiences and a rich language of symbols images helped them to create a colourful, positive and empowering identity for the camp.

Find out more about the role creativity had to play at the camp as well as ways you can explore craftivism and creativity to communicate your own message including resources to use in your own classroom.

The Creative Camp