Banners play an important role in any protest.

Sometimes they’re funny, sometimes they tell us something about the protestors for example what group they belong to, sometimes they tell us about the sort of future people hope we can have.

This gallery highlights some of the amazing banners that were created at Greenham Common Peace Camp. Whay symbols do you see?

Further reading

Many of these images came from Bridget Boudewijns archive. Bridget and Sue are the epitome of ‘Carry Greenham Home’.

They visited the camp many, many times, never staying long but bringing the ethos of non-violent direct action back to their local protests. They were part of a contingent of women chosen to go to the US during the legal action against Reagan and they spoke ‘from the heart’ at many meetings.

They talk fluently, passionately and emotionally about Greenham; singing, actions, prison, the good and bad of the police and authorities, the power of love and creativity and their continued hope for a better future for us all.

You can hear more about their experiences here: