
Can your school find Common Ground?

Common Ground provides a lasting opportunity for schools to explore the legacy of the Greenham Common Women’s Peace Camp. Through these resources, students can take inspiration from the thousands of women who stood up for their beliefs and reflect on the causes that matter to them today.

Common Ground invites schools and learning groups across the country to explore the lasting impact of the Greenham Common Women’s Peace Camp. Through these resources, your learners can:

  • Discover the history of the Greenham Common Women’s Peace Camp through the voices of those who were there.
  • Uncover local connections to Greenham and its influence on communities.
  • Explore how the women used non-violent direct action to make their message heard.
  • Create songs, poems, newspaper articles, banners, or posters inspired by their activism.
  • Compare the Greenham protests with movements today—what has changed, and what remains the same?
  • Reflect on causes that matter to your learners and where they might find inspiration.

Our Explore Page highlights some of the key themes and includes archive materials and activities to do in your classroom.