Secondary Schools

Have you ever wondered if you can make a difference? We believe you can!

On Aug 26th 1981, 36 people started their 110 mile walk from Cardiff to RAF Greenham Common in protest against the Americans holding Cruise missiles on common land. Over the next 19 years Greenham Common became home to thousands of women who believed they could create change and leave the world a better place.

We invite schools to explore the legacy of the Greenham Common Peace Camp and its lasting impact on communities today. Are there Greenham Women living in your local area? What does your community remember about Greenham Common? What causes are important to you community today and what can you learn from Greenham to help you make a difference?

You’ll find resources, lesson plans and archive material to help you get started on our Impact Tree. Explore some of our key themes to help you get started including:

  • An Introduction to Greenham Common
  • The Creative Camp
  • Actions Large and Small
  • Camp Life

Learning Objectives:

  • Develop your understanding of a key moment in modern history and the impact this action has had on contemporary UK Society and the wider world.
  • Explore the impact of Greenham Common on your local community and develop your research and investigative skills including interview techniques.
  • Consider the causes that are important to your community today and how you can make a difference.

National Curriculum Links:

This project supports:


  • Students to extend and deepen their understanding of modern British, local and world history, so that it provides a well-informed context for wider learning.
  • Challenges for Britain, Europe and the wider world 1901 to the present day.
  • A local history study.
  • At least one study of a significant society or issue in world history and its interconnections with other world developments.


  • Using discussion in order to learn.
  • Opportunities to speak confidently and effectively.
  • Making formal presentations, demonstrating to others and participating in debate.


  • Develop an understanding of the precious liberties enjoyed by the citizens of the United Kingdom.
  • The roles played by public institutions and voluntary groups in society, and the ways in which citizens work together to improve their communities, including opportunities to participate in school-based activities.
  • Develop an understanding of parliamentary democracy and the key elements of the constitution of the United Kingdom, including the power of government, the role of citizens and Parliament in holding those in power to account, and the different roles of the executive, legislature and judiciary and a free press.

Download Teacher’s Notes

An Introduction to Greenham

On Aug 26th 1981, 36 women started their 110 mile walk from Cardiff to RAF Greenham Common in protest against the Americans holding Cruise missiles on common land. Over the next 19 years Greenham Common became home to thousands of women who believed they could create change and leave the world a better place.

Explore the impact tree to discover interview clips, animations, pictures, lesson plans and activity ideas to help you uncover more about the Greenham Common Women’s Peace Camp. What were the camps like? What types of actions did the women take? What role did creativity have at the camp?

An Introduction to Greenham

Actions Large and Small

Some women stayed for a day or a weekend whilst others stayed for weeks or months and even years. All the women played an important role and the success of the Greenham Common Peace Camp rests in everyone giving what time they were able. The women caused daily disruption in order to remind the base and the world that they were there. Large actions could bring 30,000 women together while smaller actions might include a few women cutting through the fence.

Find out more here.

Actions Large and Small
Getting Started

We’ve pulled archive material, resources and lesson plans together to help you get started. Jump on and start finding out all about life at Greenham Common Peace Camp.
