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Read an article written by Frances Hinton in 1986, published in the local CND newsletter she believes, plus maybe elsewhere in Canterbury, where she lived. She sent us this message:

“I remember mounted police charging, the clatter of hooves, terrifying as I lay on tarmac blocking the entrance. Many of us ran after that. I was collared by a policeman and pleaded to him, saying my kids needed me (that was true) and that I’d walk to the railway station (a few miles) right now to get back to them, and promised I wouldn’treturn. (The first part of that bit was true; the second bit, well, I’ve been returning to that and similar issues each and every year. 

I took my 6 year old on a coach to Molesworth. I took myself to The Big One with XR in April this year (2023), with my son and 10 year old grandson. 

There is so much to contest and confront in whatever ways we can, in between earning a living and growing old(er).

Frances now lives in Newcastle Upon Tyne. 

Contributor Frances Hinton

Collected at  Newcastle Upon Tyne

Date collected  Dec 2023