Read all about it! Saturday 27th August - Newport to Chepstow
All the news and latest updates from the days March.
Today our marvellous marchers began the most lengthy section of the march, a 16 mile route from Newport to Chepstow, which will be followed by a 17 miler tomorrow. More than ever they need encouragement to help them along this historic route. Please tweet, message, facebook or shout your support from the rooftops as they march past. The starting point today was Presbyterian Church Of Wales, now known as the Community House. You can watch all stages of this march in real-time, and track the marchers making their way along the course by looking at our live-map page. Todays march was expected to take around eight hours and our weary but proud participants were reaching their destination, Chepstow Riverside Bandstand at around 7pm this evening. From 7-8.30 a powerful and thought provoking 'Weaving the Web/inars: Greenham 40th: Feminist disarmament and treaty-building.' was broadcast bringing a close to todays proceedings. Among the aching feet and the smiling faces there was a glass or two of well deserved wine, celebrating the fantastic achievements of all involved.
Beautiful 'Greenham Women Everywhere' Rectangular Badges. £2.50 at the Etsy shop.

Greenham Women Everywhere Face Mask. £20.oo in the Etsy Shop.
The Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament celebrates the 40th anniversary of the Greenham Protests.

Three young female activists join a march to celebrate 40 years since the Greenham Common Women’s Peace protest

Connecting the #MeToo generation with the women who paved their way.
Find out more about these captivating young documentary makers: Poppy Evie and Xanthe

Read the Greenham March updates with The History Press
Check out the brilliant pictures from SouthWales Argus. They include Ingrid Wilson, at the Community House in both 1981 and 2021. Jill (Ray) Raymond, in the Greenham Peace Camp for 16 years and Rosemary Butler who talked at the Riverfront Theatre after todays march.
Crossing the Severn Bridge in more
Read 19.10.19 piece in the Evening Standard