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On Saturday 31st August, the Women In Black International Online Conference opened it’s metaphorical doors to a rich program of informative and thought provoking events. These next couple of weeks promise to follow suit.

Here are just some of the upcoming events;


Session 10 Open Space

Lepa Mladjenovic will facilitate this workshop to enable WiB groups to share updates about what they are doing.

(Spanish and Italian interpretation)

London time 12-1.30pm

Session 11 Militarism robs resources from social policy – Case Study (Finland) lead by speaker Leena Erasaari.

London time 2-3.30 pm

Session 12: International Lesbian Solidarity in Action

Heena (WiB Brighton, UK) will facilitate this session with Kakuma refugees, Mary-Audry, Shamsa, and WiBs from different countries, to look forward and discuss further ways to strengthen our movement with practical and political solidarity.

London time 4-5.30 pm


Session 13: International Courts of Women Against Wars, For Peace.

Facilitated by Sue Finch, with Speaker Corinne Kumar, from WiB Bangalore and Vimochana, on how the International Courts of Women have developed and continued, sharing insights about the importance of Renouncing Retribution for Reparative Justice – one stream in a global confluence

London time 12-1.30pm

Session 14: WiB activism to stop the war on Gaza

Facilitated by Miri Weingarten

As well as facilitating this discussion on working together to stop the war on Gaza, Miri will speak about why she initiated a new Women in Black vigil on Saturdays in London Euston, as a response to the events on and since 7 October 2023.

Miri will provide information on dissident groups that are currently active within Israeli society as well as Jewish activism against the war in many countries, including the UK where she now lives. This session aims to open the discussion to participants from different places and perspectives and seek ways to work collectively to stop this war.

London time 2-3.30 pm

Session 15: Is Western pacifism colonialist? Facilitated by Eva Aneiros and Madrid Mujeres de Negro

Our pacifism is crossed by the rest of our life circumstances, also by our privileges. We would like to propose a debate on several questions that will allow us to analyse our way of being in pacifism, each one from where she is, in order to be able to build bridges with women in other situations and with other experiences in conditions of equality and mutual respect. To this end, we want to generate a debate around the following questions: Is pacifism different in war zones than in situations of peace?

From where do we make criticisms of wars?

Can we think of examples of pacifist colonialism (or colonialist pacifism)?

What defence strategies can we propose?

London time: 4 – 5.30pm


Session 16: WiB Website

Introduced by Sian Jones with information and questions for WiBs from around the world.

In 2013, Cynthia Cockburn started work with Ana Valdés, Nadia Farou and other women to produce an amazing website, which brings together Women in Black from Alaska to Australia. Now, the website needs revitalising for new times. The current site isn’t nimble enough to keep up with ongoing events; it needs to be interactive and accessible to more women; it needs new energy and creativity to reflect who we are; new contributors, new administrators …. and new funding. This workshop will gather your ideas, suggestions and thoughts about the website and the way forward. So before we meet, please have a good look round it. Here are some thoughts we want to explore, you may have other ideas, so bring them along.

London time 12-1.30pm

Session 17 Colombia – Women’s role in the peace process and the Women in Black conference in Colombia 2025

Speakers Marina Gallego, WiB/Ruta Pacifica National Coordinator, and Clara Mazo.

An introduction to Ruta Pacifica in Colombia and its process of influencing peace, both in the different negotiations in the country, as well as the strategic actions carried out. I will present the strategy used by Ruta Pacifica to reach the negotiation table between the government and FARC, which achieved the inclusion of women’s rights in the peace agenda, recorded in the Final Peace Agreement. Our influence on the peace agreement and achievements for women and the country.

London time: 2-3.30 pm

CLOSING PLENARY: Women moving forward together for peace and justice – Facilitators Rebecca and Sue, with Liz, Sue and other WiB participants

London time: 3.30 – 5.00 pm

For more information, please visit the Women In Black website

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