Day 4. Sunday 28th August -  Bristol to Bath


In the  morning the crowds gathered outside the Bristol Quaker House in preparation for the fourth days march to Bath.

The destination: The University of Bath, Claverton Down, a stretch of 12 miles, so much kinder on the body than the previous couple of days.

The numbers had swelled for the march, spirits were high and the march began in full song.

From 7.00-8.30 pm Dr Lynne Jones spoke at the University about what Greenham means today, and was joined by Diana Francis, a life-time peace campaigner, speaking about a future of cooperation for the common good.

Listen to the day's podcast

The Bristol to Bath Gallery

Greenham Women Everywhere Round Badge.  £2.5o in the Etsy Shop.

Greenham Women Everywhere Purple Hi-viz Jacket.  £25.0o in the Etsy Shop.

Its great to see such a wonderful turnout for the Bristol to Bath march.

Clare leads the marchers in song.  Listen here...

The marchers take a break in Bristol - watch here

The Guardian has another brilliant piece about Greenham.  Read article...