Health & Safety Advice
We have support vehicles to carry any bags and camping equipment and to offer assistance and respite if needed. There will be Qualified first-aiders on hand as well as trained stewards in radio contact with them. There will be a water cooler in one of the support vehicles and a map provided with all places that offer refreshment and toilet facilities along the route. We recommend downloading the location finder What3words app that will help us assist anyone that needs help.
For entry, you will need to demonstrate your COVID-19 status by providing either:
• Proof of a negative NHS Rapid Lateral Flow Test (such test to be taken within 24 hours prior to attending the event at the venue); or • Proof of full vaccination - both doses received (with the second at least 14 days prior to the arrival at the venue); or • Proof of natural immunity based upon a positive PCR test within 180 days of arrival at the venue (and after the 10-day self-isolation period following the result). Please be ready to show this when you arrive.
Download Press Pack here

Details of the Anniversary March.

A weekend celebrating Womens Peace Camps
Greenham Women Everywhere - Events Page