As the days darken and the nights extend, we’re all looking forward to some midwinter seasonal cheer.
Whether we celebrate Yule, Solstice, Hanukkah, Christmas or simply the days getting longer again, let’s take the opportunity to share love and felicitations with our friends at this time of year.
So many of you have done so much with us this year – providing artworks, memories, time, your voices and energy as we marched together – that we wanted to give you a little something.
These images are free from us to you – please send them, with our love added to yours, to your loved ones.
To use, right click the image and ‘save image as’ on a desktop or click the image and then ‘add to photos’ on mobile.
Let’s weave the Greenham Web of love wider.
With love and in sisterhood,
Greenham Women Everywhere

Aldermaston Women’s Peace Camp card by LizzWizz for printout

Christmas card for printout

Photo of bender in the snow from Ann & Sally Bell