Hoonie was a social worker who specialised in protecting the children’s welfare needs in the legal system and has a Master of Laws degree. She is a Quaker and talks about the relationship between the Quaker community and the peace movement which is still active today. She emphasises the fear that surrounded the threat of nuclear war, particularly for mothers. Hoonie visited Greenham Common for Embrace the Base and took food and other supplies to the residential women. She remembers that many vulnerable and homeless women moved to the camp and the associated tensions this caused. Hoonie is passionate about the political context of the peace movement, the gender politics of protest, and her critique of politicians such as Margaret Thatcher and Tony Benn.
Hoonie was interviewed by Kitty Gurnos-Davies in 2019.
She was photographed by Christine Bradshaw © 2019. https://www.christinebradshawphotography.com/