Jewel speaks about going to Greenham as a young and out lesbian mother and the uniqueness of Greenham for holding space for lesbian families at that time. She speaks about the centrality of Gaia to all her activism, and shows the environmental ethos of Greenham. Her motto is care, trust and respect.
Jewel has been involved in radical activism her whole life and is still an active protestor. This interview took place at Bluebell Woods Protection Camp along the HS2 line when one of our interviewers bumped into her at an open day there. The interview was verge-side and you can hear people beeping their horns as they drive past. Jewel still carries around her kettle that she took to Greenham, and used it to boil water on the wood-burner during the interview.
Jewel was interviewed by Josie Argyle in 2022.