Kate recalls how she was brought up in a fairly politically aware household, which probably inspired her to be an active member of CND at school and subsequently join her first Aldermaston march at the age of 16. Through her CND group she heard about Greenham Common and went on to spend time there in the early 80s whilst a mature student. She took her 12-year-old daughter, Lucy along a few times but all she could remember was peeing in the woods! Kate never stayed at the camp for long because she had work commitments, however, she felt it important she was there for the big demonstrations and to feel solidarity with other people.
She says it was the first time she really felt she fitted in anywhere and said there was a wonderful atmosphere. She also spoke about the soldiers at the base who she said looked terrified whilst women were trying to pull down fences. “We were like their mothers and aunts,” “They had scared looks on their faces” as if they were the ones who were vulnerable. Being at Greenham strengthened her belief in feminism and it was overall a very formative experience. She described her journey at Greenham as being a “bizarre mixture of joy, humour and fury” and the interview strongly captures the fact that any woman can be involved in protest, even if they do not have experience in it.
Kate was interviewed by Emily Strange in 2019.