Tanya is based in Nottingham and has been a theatre maker since her early twenties. At that age she also arrived at Greenham, already a politically minded person. She came to mostly spend her time at Green Gate in the forest, and at the “London House” in Petherton Road, a sort of halfway house run by Greenham Women, with no heating or electricity. She spent time at Greenham as a pregnant woman and with an infant, and we speak about what this meant to her. In our conversation, Tanya speaks with great passion and detail about the creativity and spiritual experience of the actions, including the raising of the dragon, and keening. She focusses on her particular story, while reflecting on the wider consciousness of the group of women, and the shedding and sharing of values.
Tanya was interviewed by Alice Robinson in 2019.
She can been seen here with daughter, Lily at 5 months old, with the blanket knitted for her by other Greenham Women. Taken on 23rd September 1984 by Melanie Friend as part of the Ten Days of Protest.
© Melanie Friend/Format Photographers Archive at the Bishopsgate Institute